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Legislative Action

RRC supports legislation to reduce the undue burden that prior authorization creates for physicians and the harm it causes patients.

Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act

The Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act will reduce barriers to care, lessen provider burden, and help ensure that Medicare beneficiaries who enroll in MA plans have the same access to Medicare covered items and services as beneficiaries who opt for traditional Medicare.

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*Note this represents just the Senate bill, but the House bill will be identical.

Congressional Letters Achieve Majority in Both House and Senate.

Groundswell of Congressional Support to Reign in Prior Authorization in Medicare Advantage evidenced in House and Senate sign on letters. Letters ask CMS to finalize pending rules that would reign in the overreaches of MA plans that delay and deny care through utilization management tools like PA.

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RRC Endorsed Legislation

RRC supports various other bills to remove barriers to care.

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Press Releases

See the most up to date news on legislation supported by RRC.

Letters to Congress

Read letters submitted to Congress by the RRC.

In the News

Read the latest about RRC’s legislative actions and more.