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What physicians are saying about prior authorization. 

See what experts are saying

The state of play for prior authorization puts the insurer — not the physician — in the driver's seat for patient care, and that is wreaking havoc on patient safety and well-being.

Deborah Dyett Desir, MDPresident of ACR (2024)

One thing is clear: physicians need relief from prior authorization. This burdensome practice impacts family physicians and the people we need to protect most -- our patients.

Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, FAAFPPresident of AAFP (2023-2024)

The swift passage of the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act is an important action for Medicare beneficiaries and a much needed step for reducing unwarranted administrative burdens on the physicians that care for them. Seniors who enroll in Medicare Advantage plans deserve the same access to Medicare-covered items and services as beneficiaries who opt for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS). Congress should act quickly to make it a reality.

George A. Williams, MDSenior Secretary for Advocacy, AAO

Passing the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act would codify important provisions that help ensure that patients get the care they need when they need it.

Carlayne E. Jackson, MD, FAANPresident of AAN (2023-2024)

This is a crucial step toward ensuring that many of the patients who rely on physiatrists for their care receive the timely and medically-necessary treatment they deserve.

DJ Kennedy, MD, FAAPMRPresident of AAPM&R (2023-2024)

Prior authorization, by definition, creates delays in care and bureaucratic barriers for physicians — which is why it is so troubling that many insurers now require prior authorization for large categories of procedures with no evidence of overuse or inappropriate use.

Barbara Jung, MDPresident of AGA (2024)

The rampant overuse of prior authorization continues to cause inappropriate delays and denials of medical treatments that our seniors need.

Russell R. Lonser, MD, FAANSPresident of AANS/CNS (2023-2024)

This is a pivotal moment for enhancing patients’ access to care. We are optimistic that this will be the year Congress acts to safeguard timely care for our seniors.

Russell R. Lonser, MD, FAANSPresident of AANS/CNS (2023-2024)

Surgical patients are encountering barriers to timely access to care due to onerous and unnecessary prior authorization requests from Medicare Advantage plans.

Patricia L. Turner, MD, MBA, FACSPresident of ACS

Prior authorization causes more harm than good for patient care. It can often delay critical health care delivery, which could lead to harmful outcomes for patients.

Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAADPresident of AADA

Key to our advocacy efforts is
sharing the impact of prior authorization on patients and clinicians and sharing those stories with policymakers and the public.